"Be the change you want to see in this world."

Training & Coaching




  • Leadership is about integrity, vulnerability and courage. You are authentic and say what you do, and do what you say. You have the courage to be vulnerable and share your own fears and doubts in a healthy manner. Therewith uplifting ourself and others to a higher level by creating a true connection through compassion.

    Who am I, what do I stand for and where do I want to go?

    Leadership is also the ability to develop the skill to make conscious choices based on clearly defined values (self-regulation). It requires deep self-understanding, perseverance and empathy.

    Walk Your Talk facilitates this process through training, coaching, advice and interim management.

    Are you ready to take your game to the next level?

Cirkels robbie

Effective leadership starts from the inside


  • A common thread in my training about leadership is authenticity and vulnerability. There is still a taboo on vulnerability and that is a missed opportunity. Vulnerability in leadership is not weak, but very powerful.

    It's about being able to share what's going on inside you without fear and judgment. You as a leader need a lot of courage to show that you are not in control of the issues at stake. The challenge is to really connect with people in your environment. It is a mix of a lot of courage and compassion. Compassion for others, but first for yourself.

    If you wish to positively influence others, you should embrace and share feelings of discomfort rather than understanding and "being strong." Leading others starts with leading yourself.


Fantastic in his role as trainer as well as an actor. Learning through practice really works best. 

Nice trainer, able to connect lots of insights from different angles and cases of participants. 

Creates psychological safety. No judgement about the participants, open-minded. 

Creates a safe setting is proactive and checks in with the participants. Very sharp and stimulates self-reflection. 

I am very likely to recommend him because he is really nice, insightful, calm and he delivers the content in a really interesting manner. It's really easy to keep my attention and open myself up in order to engage with the other colleagues.

Perfect mix of positivity and sincerity, came across very well. Next to that very knowledgeable on the topic of stress and vitality and the deeper personal causes causing stress.


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on behalf of



I offer a wide variety of training courses through Walk Your Talk.

Walk Your Talk has a broad partner network of facilitators, coaches, speakers and actors to develop unique concepts of in-depth professional and personal development.

In co-creation with the client, we find concrete solutions for the issues that need a solution.

  • Personal leadership
  • High performance culture
  • Impact & influence
  • Coaching skills
  • Vitality & Energy
  • Giving & receiving feedback
  • Vision, mission & strategy
  • Psychological safety
  • Focus & proactivity
  • Priority management
  • Breathwork
  • Systemisch werk
  • Influencing without authority
  • And more....


  • Coaching by Walk Your Talk facilitates your transformation.

    The clear approach, sharp analysis and sincere feedback help you gain insight into where you can develop further.

    We go into the depths and that takes courage. You will be confronted with certain fears that stand in the way of your development.

    The starting point is that you can act with more energy and freedom.

    This increases your circle of influence and thus the impact you make. On yourself, others and the world around you.




  • Insights in what holds you back to make more impact

  • Behavior in line with your mission & values (integrity) 

  • A growth mindset

  • Experience that you are 100% response-able for your behavior and impact

  • Clear results


  • Discover how you can grow your business.

    The challenge in running a business is that you have to keep many balls in the air at the same time.

    I ensure your regain oversight and become more effective in realizing your ambitions.

    I advise companies and work on an interim basis to bring about the desired change.

    My 'competitive advantage' is that I provide insight into what’s above the water line (the visible) and below the water line (the invisible such as: corporate culture & relationship dynamics with all stakeholders).

    With an extensive corporate background as well as training & coaching background I bring about change on that basis.

    Give me a call to see if we can help each other.



Scaling your business is both inspiring and challenging.

I help the management maintain overview and set clear priorities.

Where necessary, I step into the operation myself to ensure that what needs to be done is actually done, to "Walk Your Talk"

  • Vision mission and value clarification
  • Strategy
  • Governance
  • Employees
  • Finance
  • Priority & planning
  • Tooling
  • High performance culture
  • Marketing & communication
  • Operations



"With much pleasure I have worked with Robbert-Jan at 100WEEKS. He professionally and passionately supported us to scale impact. He naturally combines a business approach with coaching knowledge and experience. He is analytically strong and has a good eye for social dynamics. He has the courage and skills to bring the issues forward that need attention. We had fun as well. Having Robbert-Jan on board will bring the change. He walks the talk."

Gitte - Managing Director Crosswise Works & co-founder 100WEEKS


"Robbert-Jan is a great trainer. He creates psychological safety quickly. There is no judgment about participants, open-minded"

"I am very likely to recommend him because he is really nice, insightful, calm and he delivers the content in a really interesting manner. It's really easy to keep my attention and open myself up in order to engage with the other colleagues."

Participants training


“Robbert-Jan is a multi-disciplined and result driven coach. Whether you are looking for personale effectiveness or knowledge about vitality or career coaching, for all these matters he's your guy to go to. Highly recommended to work with him.”

Andre - HR Business professional


“Great guy, great spirit, great ambitions! Working with Robbert-Jan is a pleasure. He is ambitious, eager, human, personal, sympathetic, entrepreneurial and flexible. He brings a rare combination of coaching skills with business skills and mindset. Definitely worth anyone's time and resources."

Rutger - COO Chapter.Works


"I have worked with Robbert-Jan as mentor and coach during an important step in my career. He helped me with significant decisions and I could always count on his positive attitude and encouraging support. A real pleasure to work with Robbert-Jan. "

Mirja - Senior Executive Vice President Amadeus


“Very grateful for the priceless insights and 'out-of-the-box' solutions. Robbert-Jan is an excellent listener and picks up the smallest details. I greatly enjoyed our co-operation and highly recommend his business advisory services!”

Richard - CEO Irish Institute for Nutrition & Health 

"Robbert-Jan possesses the unique trait to combine an analytical impact-driven mindset with excellent understanding of interpersonal dynamics and is action-oriented. This makes him a very valuable leadership coach and also a good interim manager for purpose driven organizations."

Jan-Willem - Founder Training for Good

Interim management

"With much pleasure I have worked with Robbert-Jan at 100WEEKS. He professionally and passionately supported us to scale impact. He naturally combines a business approach with coaching knowledge and experience. He is analytically strong and has a good eye for social dynamics. He has the courage and skills to bring the issues forward that need attention. We had fun as well. Having Robbert-Jan on board will bring the change. He walks the talk."

Gitte - Managing Director Crosswise works


"Robbert-Jan is a great trainer. He creates psychological safety quickly. There is no judgment about participants, open-minded"

"I am very likely to recommend him because he is really nice, insightful, calm and he delivers the content in a really interesting manner. It's really easy to keep my attention and open myself up in order to engage with the other colleagues."

Participants training


“Robbert-Jan is a multi-disciplined and result driven coach. Whether you are looking for personale effectiveness or knowledge about vitality or career coaching, for all these matters he's your guy to go to. Highly recommended to work with him.”

Andre - HR Business professional

Interim management

“Great guy, great spirit, great ambitions! Working with Robbert-Jan is a pleasure. He is ambitious, eager, human, personal, sympathetic, entrepreneurial and flexible. He brings a rare combination of coaching skills with business skills and mindset. Definitely worth anyone's time and resources."

Rutger - COO Chapter.Works


"I have worked with Robbert-Jan as mentor and coach during an important step in my career. He helped me with significant decisions and I could always count on his positive attitude and encouraging support. A real pleasure to work with Robbert-Jan. "

Mirja - Senior Executive Vice President Amadeus


"Robbert-Jan possesses the unique trait to combine an analytical impact-driven mindset with excellent understanding of interpersonal dynamics and is action-oriented. This makes him a very valuable leadership coach and also a good interim manager for purpose driven organizations."

Jan-Willem - Founder Training for Good


“Very grateful for the priceless insights and 'out-of-the-box' solutions. Robbert-Jan is an excellent listener and picks up the smallest details. I greatly enjoyed our co-operation and highly recommend his business advisory services!”

Richard - CEO Irish Institute for Nutrition & Health 


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  • I (Robbert-Jan) am passionate about developing people and organizations. In my capacity as a consultant & business developer I currently support several organizations. In my role as trainer and coach I facilitate a wide variety of companies with their own specific leadership issues.

    I am able to quickly create a safe environment and a high level of trust.

    Due to my background both in the corporate world and as a trainer coach I can quickly analyse a situation and its specific dynamics leading to new insights that they can immediately be applied.

    I am passionate about personal leadership, because leading others starts with increasing your own self-understanding. Under the guise of “Walk Your Talk” I continue to develop myself on a wide variety of themes.


  • 8 years financial specialist
  • 9 years (online) entrepreneur
  • 7 years (business) coach
  • 1 year NGO experience
  • Executive Master in Finance & Control
  • Systemic Coach (Bert Hellinger Institute)
  • Certified NLP coach
  • Breathwork, mindfulness & meditatie

